Wednesday 28 March 2012

Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 looks so fricking awesome!

Cant wait for it to be released lol.

Just thought I'd mention that.

New Game

Announcement for the development of a new game project. I will be writing from scratch a java roguelike dungeon crawler (because they are awesome).

This will (of course) contain sexiness, but ill also create a version without the sexiness because not everyone likes that :p

Here is a screenshot of the game engine after 2 days of development:

 As you can see I will be using Half-Kaizer sprites for the sprites and probably RPG Maker XP tilesets (though I may make my own tilesets to avoid copyright issues) for the graphics. They are however placeholder and may change if I feel that changing them would benefit me in any way.

Will be powering through with the game engine programming until i think its virtually feature complete, then gonna draft a game development doc and then make the game itself :D

RPG Maker Zauber

Here is a link to the original development thread for the RPG Maker XP version of Zauber.!

And here is a direct link to the game:

Youll need to have the RPG Maker RTP installed to play this. Get it here for free:

Now before anyone asks I will not be updating this game AT ALL EVER. Someone else can take up development of it if theyd like, as long as i get credited and notified :p
Welcome to my blog! This will be dedicated to the development of my game Zauber and all its derivatives.