Wednesday 17 October 2012


Wow, so my blog has finally reached 10,000 page views, which is a very impressive number. Thank you all!!

Now here's another screenshot of my game:

Monday 8 October 2012

Game Progress Update

Hey there all! Just posting to let you know the current status of my game:

Engine is pretty much completed. It is certainly playable, only a few 'features' left to add but the core stuff is implemented and working fine.

Im currently building a few demo levels to release before I sit down and actually design a decent story.

Thing to be completed for the demo:

Level graphics for 3/4 levels
Player, enemy and NPC graphics
2/3 more spells for each spell tree

So as you can see its all graphics work to be completed then I can release something you can play, and see if you enjoy the engine :D

ETA 1/2 weeks from now.

Look forward to it!

Wednesday 26 September 2012

New Game Screenshot

Here is a screenshot of the current development of my new sidecrolling game. Enjoy :p

Monday 24 September 2012

New Game

For any of you who are interested, you can follow and see the development of my new sidescroller game on github, the link is here:

Friday 21 September 2012

The Past And The Future

Hello all, I know there hasn't been an update for a while but here is one and there's a few topics I want to cover.

Firstly someone has decided to start development of the original RPG Maker XP version of Zauber. The hongfire link is here so go check it out!
Now then, lets begin in the past, I'm not sure how well I explained why I dropped both my last game but I feel that I should, so here it is.

  • I wrote the game originally as a learning exercise, with the intention to carry it one given enough interest. Note, this is MY interest, not those of the community (though that would have contributed a little :p). I learnt a lot, so this was definitely a successful project in that regard.
  • Roguelikes are not the most popular of games, they are very niche I must admit, which probably didn't help people to like it :p
  • The Game Engine was bad. Sadly my inexperience at coding game engines showed here because the Game Engine and general design was clumsy, buggy and difficult to manage. This contributed to my decision to drop the game, because even in its small, infant stage it was riddled with so many bugs, and was already so bloated with unneccessary code that a complete rewrite was neccessary, and I could not muster the enthusiasm to do it. I was using an inheritance based design for the game entities, and there was just so many classes and so much excess code it was horrible to deal with :p
  • Real life: I had exams to revise for, luckily I have passed them all now :D so another 2 years of university for me! Woot!
So yeh, there's a list of some of my reasons to abandon the  ZauberRoguelike game. I'm sorry to all you who actually liked it, but as I have said the entire game code github repository is linked in the last post so you can see for yourself how ugly the design was :p

I haven't touched game programming all summer, I've had exams, then lots and lots of moving then just games and then of course GW2 :p But i'm back! With a new project. And with no further todo onto the future!

I'm currently working on a new game, this time a sidescroller. Not exactly a platformer sidescroller but tbh i'm not sure exactly what it'll turn out to be. This time however I will not be launching myself headfirst into creating the game itself, instead I will be creating a level editor (actually already completed, at least up to all the capabilities of the engine so far) and a bug free engine (well as close as possible). The engine is also using an Entity-Behavior based design, rather then straight up inheritance, and it is all commented so fingers crossed this time the project will be smoother. With this I will then release some example levels then I will ask you guys, as in the people who will actually play the game, what cool stuff do you think I should put in it. Of course my trademark terrible dialogue will be in there, and magic and gender switching. I have a few ideas but i'm interested in what you guys think would be fun.

Leave a comment with your thoughts on all this, and I will try to keep you all updated on the progress of the game. Oh, and don't worry, it will be fully graphical this time :p

Friday 4 May 2012

Half-Kaizer Resources

Due to the very underwhelming response to my game making attempts I've decided to suspend the creation of ZauberRoguelike indefinitely. However over the course of making this game I have created and collated many resources for the infamous and rare Half-Kaizer body type. These I thought I would share with you all, so you may benefit from my labours a bit more. Included is also a few of my sex sprites, so there can maybe by some RPG Maker games using this spritesheet as a base created :p

Here is a zip with a very interesting tool for creating RPG Maker sprites from parts (using RPG Maker). I didn't make it, but I cannot find the author anywhere so I'll just upload it here for you all:

And here is a zip with all the resources I have created or found:

You do not have to credit me, but if you do use them in a game I'd appreciate an email/post so that I can play it :p

I hope you find these resources useful.

Also you can find the entire game source here, if that interests you:

Sunday 29 April 2012


Tiny update with a couple of bugfixes for wardens dialogue scenes.

Enjoy :D

Version - PreAlpha

For you windows users here is a nice easy .exe to run:

And for everyone else here is the .jar:

Thursday 26 April 2012


Update time, and it's a biggy!

- Sound added
- Controls fixed (for keyboard to turn without moving then hold control)
- New Form + Spells!
- New Content!
- Improved Performance!

- 2 Sex scenes!

This release is not compatible with saves from ANY previous releases, so please start a new game.

And now the game itself:

For you windows users here is a nice easy .exe to run:

And for everyone else here is the .jar:

Hope you all enjoy, post if it doesn't work or if you like it or if you have comments/suggestions/requests :D

Monday 23 April 2012

Progress Update

Hey there all, I just thought I would post a little to inform you all what im doing on the game atm. So here it is, with nice percentage estimates for completion.

Sounds - 75% (Prone to crash atm on linux/mac, attempting to fix it)
Movement Fixes - 90% (Mostly fixed, just a few rare spazzes out are left to squash)
Content - 25% (Most of the areas done, just NPC's and quests to add. Also a new form!)
Balancing - 10% (Some skills balanced, like the ridiculously powerful Human buffs)

Also here is a little sneak preview/teaser of some of the upcoming animations :p

Next update will contain the first few sex scenes, look forward to it!

Tuesday 17 April 2012

Another Release!

ZauberRoguelike is now in V0.1c, with lots of menu GUI shizzle to make it easier to play, including:

- Shouts useable from HUD
- Able to turn yourself without starting a turn
- Ability to change from descriptions to numbers in the menu (everyones happy :p)
- Dialogue fixes
- Combat Message fixes
- Other kwl stuff :p


Monday 16 April 2012

ZauberRoguelike Version 0.1 - PreAlpha

Another release of the ZauberRoguelike, now with many more features and story!

Comment with any suggestions/thoughts/dislikes/etc.

Hope you enjoy :D

Thursday 12 April 2012

Game Demo

Well after nearly 3 weeks of work I have a playable working demo (hopefully). Just download the archive, extract and then run ZauberGame.jar.

You need Java SE 6 or newer installed on your machine to run it.

Sadly as I haven't had long to work on it there isn't much to play yet, but it's a demo so yeh.

Post any feed back you have here :p

Download link here

Sunday 8 April 2012

Zauber Game Engine

Just posting a little update to say that the engine is virtually finished. Just started to build the game on top of it and should release a demo within the week.

I have scrapped the graphical tilesets, instead going with unicode art like a traditional roguelike, however i am keeping the character animations (for all the naughty stuff). Well youll all see it soon.

Look forward to it :p

Wednesday 28 March 2012

Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 looks so fricking awesome!

Cant wait for it to be released lol.

Just thought I'd mention that.

New Game

Announcement for the development of a new game project. I will be writing from scratch a java roguelike dungeon crawler (because they are awesome).

This will (of course) contain sexiness, but ill also create a version without the sexiness because not everyone likes that :p

Here is a screenshot of the game engine after 2 days of development:

 As you can see I will be using Half-Kaizer sprites for the sprites and probably RPG Maker XP tilesets (though I may make my own tilesets to avoid copyright issues) for the graphics. They are however placeholder and may change if I feel that changing them would benefit me in any way.

Will be powering through with the game engine programming until i think its virtually feature complete, then gonna draft a game development doc and then make the game itself :D

RPG Maker Zauber

Here is a link to the original development thread for the RPG Maker XP version of Zauber.!

And here is a direct link to the game:

Youll need to have the RPG Maker RTP installed to play this. Get it here for free:

Now before anyone asks I will not be updating this game AT ALL EVER. Someone else can take up development of it if theyd like, as long as i get credited and notified :p
Welcome to my blog! This will be dedicated to the development of my game Zauber and all its derivatives.