Friday 4 May 2012

Half-Kaizer Resources

Due to the very underwhelming response to my game making attempts I've decided to suspend the creation of ZauberRoguelike indefinitely. However over the course of making this game I have created and collated many resources for the infamous and rare Half-Kaizer body type. These I thought I would share with you all, so you may benefit from my labours a bit more. Included is also a few of my sex sprites, so there can maybe by some RPG Maker games using this spritesheet as a base created :p

Here is a zip with a very interesting tool for creating RPG Maker sprites from parts (using RPG Maker). I didn't make it, but I cannot find the author anywhere so I'll just upload it here for you all:

And here is a zip with all the resources I have created or found:

You do not have to credit me, but if you do use them in a game I'd appreciate an email/post so that I can play it :p

I hope you find these resources useful.

Also you can find the entire game source here, if that interests you:


  1. Another day, another dead hentai game.

    At least when other projects bite the dust, they tend to have a somewhat redeemable reason. Quitting after a few weeks of work because your game isn’t as popular as you'd like it to be is just pathetic.

    It’s been months since the gamemaker Zauber was last updated, you abandoned it with a vague implication that you were working on something else and then never came back. Suddenly you reappear, release a few updates and then plan to disappear again because people aren’t as interested as you’d like them to be?

    You should have predicted that a roguelike game would have a diminished fanbase in comparison to something made with standard gamemaker sprites. Roguelikes tend to be a niche genre with small but dedicated fanbases, RPGmaker games have an in-built fanbase who would be inherently interested in anything familiar to what they already enjoy.

    Do you think significantly more popular hentai games like Violated Heroine and Corruption of Champions were famous from the start? They developed a following due to a continuous stream of content over a long period of time.

    It’s never wise to start a project with the sole motivation of it being massively successful, you should be satisfied that you are entertaining people, regardless of how many there are.

    Overall, extremely disappointing but not at all unexpected.

    1. When I started this project it was for something to do, and with the aim to better learn Java. This goal was successful, and after a month and a half of development I have learnt a huge amount about the language. Now, however, I will gain nothing from continuing development of the game on the learning a language front. The ONLY reason I would have to continue to build this game is if there was actual INTEREST in it being continued, and 2/3 comments does not show enough interest to really call for the huge time commitment writing more of the game would require.

      When I left last time it was mainly because I was busy with work, and it was true that I was working on something else. That something else never really came to anything and I dropped the project due to being terrible at 3D design. I have recently had more time on my hands and just decided to write another game, this time from scratch so I would actually gain something from it. It becoming a 'Roguelike' is simply because I cannot draw tilesheets. Other than that this game hardly contains any Roguelike elements.

      Either way, unless there is actual showing that people like this type of game, or are interested at all in me making more I will persue projects that I can actually put in my portfolio, or provide me with a chance to learn a skill that might raise my employability.

  2. I did like the rougelike in a sense, it was something new and i have never played a rouglike before and i do love your sprite animations. But i dident like it because the only animations you had were of h scenes. I hope you can continue your work at some point later with the original Zauber.

  3. Mechanically, this game did a number of interesting things. I've played a variety of action and turn-based games, and nothing felt quite like this. Not as fun as your previous Zauber game, but the magic/form system was cool enough that it gave me ideas for my own work.

    Thanks for sharing this with us, Infinity8. Please post if/when you're considering another project, I'd like to follow your work.

  4. I just found this game a couple of days ago, but I found it rather fun. I was looking forward to seeing how this would turn out, so I'm kind of disappointed.
    I hope you reconsider, this has a lot of potential.
    Oh well, even if you don't decide to pick it up again after all, I'll be keeping a curious eye on any future projects of yours.

  5. I just found this today. I was thrilled to finally see some new content from you, but was disturbed that you had already dropped the project. Your previous Zauber game is my #1 favorite rpg maker game, and I enjoyed what little there was of the angel game. This game is no different as the dialogue is fun and combat system is well thought out. I would enjoy seeing more of any of these games.
    As for lack of interest, it has only be a month or so from when you released your first demo, and if people are anything like me then they probably don't even realize that you are back in the swing of things yet. Either way I'm looking forward to anything you plan to work on next.

    1. well i'm glad you enjoyed it :D

      Atm im rather busy with real life stuffs, and I have a few more work related things to complete but after that I've been playing with some ideas for a more graphical game, with a more focused engine (if you take a look at the code on the github repository you'll see just how convoluted this engine was :p)

      Anyway plan is to get real life out the way first, then make a game thats a little closer to how Zauber was, but with some nice random generation to make things fun. Either way, anything I do will post on here :D

    2. Please keep making games! I recently picked up the game and I can honestly say that I enjoyed the alpha version of Zauber more than larger games such as violated heroine. Even though it may be hard to continue (or start over) know that you have at least one deicated fan :)

  6. Hey, Just thought i'd let you know, someone is interested in continuing your first game. The one you made with RPG Maker XP
